ERW Tubes

The ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) tubes that we produce at our Tube Division include Round Tubes, RHS Tubes, SHS Tubes, Oval Tubes, D-Shape and V-Shape Tubes as per exact customer requirements.

Each tube comes with several features and attributes that make them an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. Some features include uniformity and consistent dimensions, cost-effectiveness wide range of sizes and shapes, suitability for diverse industrial and commercial applications, strength and durability, and flexibility in design and assembly processes.

  • product

    Round Tubes

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    RHS Tubes

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    SHS Tubes

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    Oval Tubes

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  • Cylinder Bore Quality tubes.
  • Thin walled tubes, maintaining very adverse D/t ratio.
  • Flash fin cut quality
  • Very high strength tubes up to the range of 700 M.P.a.
  • Precision tubes up to the range of 127 mm OD and 6 mm hickness.
  • Tubes capable to withstand severe torsional, tensional, or compressional stress like full folding, 50% flaring.
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